I came away part incredulous at what was rpesented and part in fear that I was going to wake up tomorrow to find half the world submerged under melted ice from the poles.
As you watch the movie, you keep thinking to yourself over and over again, how a rational human being, after seeing all this proof laid out in front of them, still can't seem to care.
The documentary provides sceintific basis for why CO2 emissions and rising temperatures are corelated and how this raise in temperature os nowhere within the normal temperature changes the earth usually goes through. How this increase is actually causing a change in the natural ecological balance and causing species to go extinct. And, this is the saddest thing I heard, how polar bears are drowning because they are swimming further and further without finding ice to be able to live on.
I am not sure if these changes will occur in the next 20 yrs, or 50 or even a 100. Why are we arguing that? The fact that these changes will occur as a result of our actions should be enough to make us sit up, take notice and change our actions. Why are we driving Hummers that are so inefficient it blows my mind? Why are the developed nations not looking at alternate sources of energy more energetically? Why are we ignoring this? Is it because we won't be alive for it? Maybe our kids won't be either. But just imagine if that's what our parents' grandparents had thought. We might not be alive today if that had happened.